台风是中低纬度沿海地区最常见、最具有破坏性的自然灾害之一。台风的路径、强度、大小是决定台风灾害大小的主要因素。过去几十年,对于台风路径的预报已经有了长足的进步,而对强度和大小的预报仍然有很大的不足。现有的各类模型,包括统计模型、简化物理模型、参数拟合模型、复杂物理模型,在描述台风强度和大小关系时还有很大的改进余地。面对这个挑战,Sun et al.(2022)提出了一个全新的描述这个关系的物理模型。这个新模型以等效绝对角动量(eAAM)守恒作为出发点,构筑了台风强度和大小的潜在数学关系。本文通过用观测资料的详细分析验证,对这些模型的优缺点进行了系统性比较。结果显示,以eAAM为基础的模型能相对准确地反映台风强度和大小的关系,验证了以物理守恒原理为基础的eAAM模型的独特优点,为进一步改善台风强度和大小的模型引入了一条新的思路。相关研究成果近日发表于Science合作期刊Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research上。
图1 图文摘要
本文指出,一个数学模型若要反映约束台风强度-大小关系的物理机制,必须同时具备三个必要条件:1. 从最大风速半径开始, 台风切向风速随距台风中心的距离增加而单调递减;2. 如果所用的数学模型是合理的话,这个数学模型的求解不随所采取的积分路径变化,它的解应该有唯一性,这来源于观测对象的唯一性;3. 数学模型求解得到的台风半径必须是有限的。满足了第三条,模型刻画的外围风场才可能是合理可靠的,从而才可根据外围观测到的低风速(6-9 m/s)场来推算台风内圈半径及强度(图2)。

图2 各模型解出的风速随半径的变化廓线(从最大风速半径起到0风速为止)。只有Chavas et al.(2015)模型(E)和eAAM模型(F)在有限半径内达到0风速
本文从统计模型、简化物理模型、参数拟合模型、复杂物理模型中各选取了1-2个有代表性并被广泛应用的模型,与eAAM模型从以下两个方面进行了比较分析:1. 理论约束,即是否同时满足上述的三个必要条件;2. 实际验证,即从观测资料(EBTRK dataset)来验证台风强度和大小关系的准确度。分析结果表明,多个模式都能在观测资料的不确定性范围附近对台风强度-大小关系有比较好的刻画,但只有eAAM模型符合上述的理论约束(表1)。eAAM模型的独特优点使得这个模型可以根据外围低速风场来推算台风内圈半径及强度,数值模拟资料验证也表明eAAM模型的结果与数值模式预报结果准确度相当。

表1 各模型的风速/半径解准确度以及是否满足能反映台风内在物理过程应该具备的三个必要条件
Sun J, Cai M, Liu G, Yan R, Zhang D-L. Uncovering the Intrinsic Intensity–Size Relationship of Tropical Cyclones. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2022; 79: 2881-2900, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-22-0082.1.
Chavas DR, Lin N, Emanuel KA. A model for the complete radial structure of the tropical cyclone wind field. Part I: Comparison with observed structure. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2015; 72: 3647-3662, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-15-0014.1.
A Comparative Study of Mathematical Models for the Tropical Cyclone Intensity–Size Relation
Jie Sun, Ming Cai, Guosheng Liu and Da-Lin Zhang
Despite considerable progress in tropical cyclone (TC) research, our current understanding and prediction capabilities regarding the TC intensity–size relation remain limited. This study systematically analyzes the key characteristics and performance of different types of mathematical models for TC intensity–size relations using the 6-hourly Tropical Cyclone Extended Best Track Dataset spanning 1988 to 2020. The models investigated include statistical, idealized (e.g., Rankine vortex), parametric, and theoretical models. In addition to directly comparing the solutions obtained from individual models to the observed TC records, we assess the models that can produce a unique finite-sized radial profile of surface winds for each TC record—a minimal requirement to ensure that the predicted radial profile of the surface winds would align with the observed profile. The results reveal that a sufficient condition to guarantee a unique radial profile of surface winds is that the associated model can be written as a radial invariant quantity, although it does not guarantee a finite-sized profile. Only the effective absolute angular momentum (eAAM) model, among all the models examined in this study, meets the minimum requirement. Furthermore, the solutions obtained from the eAAM model are well correlated with their observational counterparts (85 to 95%) with little systematic bias and small absolute mean errors that are very close to the observational resolution. The eAAM model’s ability to capture the complex intensity–size relation of observed TCs, in combination with these desirable features, suggests its high potential for gaining a better understanding of the underlying physics governing the observed TC intensity–size relation.
Sun J, Cai M, Liu G, Zhang DL. A Comparative Study of Mathematical Models for the Tropical Cyclone Intensity–Size Relation. Ocean-Land-Atmos. Res.2024;3:Article 0035. DOI:10.34133/olar.0035

OLAR 期刊简介
Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research (OLAR) 由南方海洋实验室和美国科学促进会合作出版,入选2022年度中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目,海洋负排放国际大科学计划(Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions, ONCE)学术出版合作平台,已被全球最具影响力的开放存取期刊目录DOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)数据库收录。本刊以海洋相关学科为重点,刊稿主题包括但不限于:海陆气相互作用、海洋碳中和、物理海洋学、海洋生物与生态、海洋地质与地球物理、化学海洋学、海洋气象学、大气物理与大气环境、冰冻圈科学、河口海岸学、海洋工程与海洋技术、海洋资源开发与利用。分享卓见,探索前沿,OLAR 诚邀您一起荟萃科学发现,共享学术盛筵!