碳酸钙(CaCO3)是海洋沉积物的主要成分,其生成、溶解和沉积等机制是海洋碳循环的关键控制过程。自上世纪初以来,海洋学家们已广泛地测量全球海洋沉积物中CaCO3的重量百分比(wtCaCO3%),以约束CaCO3的循环机制(Broecker, 2009)。本文对全球深海表层沉积物中碳酸钙重量百分比数据进行了修正,相关研究成果近日发表在Science 合作期刊Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research (OLAR) 上。
至今,我们已经积累了大量的wtCaCO3%数据,并将其应用于各类海洋学研究中。这些研究包括但不限于:约束深海环流的变化,探讨包括海洋酸化过程在内的海洋碳酸盐体系的变化,和指示海陆物质交换的变化等(Li et al., 2022; Liu and Luo, 2023)。我们发现过去几十年来某些流传的、汇编的和新发表的沉积物wtCaCO3%数据的相关核心参数出现大量偏差,不准确的坐标、水深、甚至wtCaCO3%数据本身会影响数据再分析和利用时的效率和准确性。因此,我们彻查了已发布的wtCaCO3% 数据及其相关的地理信息,并纠正了570余个主要的错误数据点。这些修正有助于建立在洋盆尺度上更好的沉积物中的wtCaCO3%随海水深度变化的分布模式(图1)。
图1 不同海域wtCaCO3%数据的修正效果展示。棕色和黑色图示分别为修正前(后)的数据。
Broecker, W.S. Wally's Quest to Understand the Ocean's CaCO3 Cycle. Annual Review of Marine Science, 1:1-18, 2009.
Li L., Luo Y., Kienast M., Qi D. and Tjiputra J. On the sedimentary carbonate accumulation and dissolution in Western Pacific marginal basins. Limnology and Oceanography, 67 (1), 26-38, 2022.
Liu X. and Luo Y. Influence of terrigenous supply from the African continent on sedimentary CaCO3 distribution in the Southeast Atlantic Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, 68 (1), 14-25, 2023.
Correction of Inexactitude in Surficial Sediment Calcium Carbonate Content Data of the Global Ocean
Xiaoqing Liu, Handan Zhang, Yijie Zheng, Hao Fang, Jinqi Xia and Yiming Luo
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is a main component in marine sediment, and sedimentary CaCO3 weight percentages (wtCaCO3%) in the global ocean have been extensively measured since the early last century. The tremendous database produced has been utilized in oceanographic research to constrain oceanic carbon cycles and to dictate past changes in deep ocean circulation. Inaccurate records in terms of sediment core coordinates, elevation, and wtCaCO3% data have been introduced in the past few decades, especially during compilation practice, rendering them less effective during the reuse of the data. Therefore, we thoroughly scrutinized published wtCaCO3% data and their geographical information and corrected 570 erroneous data points. These corrections help to establish a better basin-wide distribution pattern of sedimentary CaCO3 with ocean depth, which would eventually contribute to a more valid estimate of the standing stock of erodible CaCO3 in the global ocean. An accurate carbonate dataset could also facilitate applications of wtCaCO3% in paleoceanography and predictions of the buffering capacity of CaCO3 to ocean acidification.
Liu X, Zhang H, Zheng Y, Fang H, Xia J, Luo Y. Correction of Inexactitude in Surficial Sediment Calcium Carbonate Content Data of the Global Ocean. Ocean-Land-Atmos. Res. 2023;2:Article 0021. https://doi.org/10.34133/olar.0021
OLAR 期刊简介
Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research (OLAR) 由南方海洋实验室和美国科学促进会合作出版,入选2022年度中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目,海洋负排放国际大科学计划(Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions, ONCE)学术出版合作平台,已被全球最具影响力的开放存取期刊目录DOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)数据库收录。本刊以海洋相关学科为重点,刊稿主题包括但不限于:海陆气相互作用、海洋碳中和、物理海洋学、海洋生物与生态、海洋地质与地球物理、化学海洋学、海洋气象学、大气物理与大气环境、冰冻圈科学、河口海岸学、海洋工程与海洋技术、海洋资源开发与利用。OLAR 投稿系统目前已正式开放,热烈欢迎相关研究领域科学家踊跃投稿。分享卓见,探索前沿,OLAR 诚邀您一起荟萃科学发现,共享学术盛筵!