本科(Bachelor) 9/1980-7/1985 中国 清华大学 电子工程
硕士(Master) 9/1985-12/1987 英国 曼彻斯特大学 通信工程
博士(Doctor) 12/1987-12/1990 英国 曼彻斯特大学 工程
讲席教授(Chair Professor) 6/2017–至今 香港 香港理工大学(HK Polytechnic Univ.)
实验室主任(Director) 11/2016-至今 香港 香港理工-华为联合实验室
教授(Professor) 4/2006 – 6/2017 香港 香港理工大学( HK Polytechnic Univ.)
副教授(Asso Professor) 1/1999 –4/2006 新加坡 南洋理工大学(Nanyang Techno. Univ.)
主任(Manager) 1/2004–12/2005 新加坡 科技局信息通信研究院( ASTAR)
首席科学家(Lead Scientist) 4/2003 –12/2003 新加坡 科技局信息通信研究院(ASTAR)
高级讲师(Senior Lecturer) 1/1997-12/1998 新加坡 南洋理工大学(Nanyang Techno. Univ.)
讲师(Lecturer) 5/1991-12/1996新加坡 南洋理工大学(Nanyang Techno. Univ.)
1.Chao Lu, Technology for Short-reach Optical Interconnect for Data Centres, Broadband Communication and New Type of Networks, MOST National Key Research Program, (面向数据中心的短距离光互连技术,宽带通信和新型网络,国家重点研发计划), 01 July 2019-June 2023
2.Zhaohui Li, Chao Lu, Shangyuan Li, Study of Techniques for Modulation Format and Multiple System Parameter Monitoring for Next Generation Optical Networks National Science Foundation China(自然基金重点项目), Jan 2015- Dec 2019
3.Xiaocong Yuan, Siyuan Yu, Chao Lu, Basic Research on Optical Interconnect based on Cylindrical Vector Beam for High Performance Computing and Key Components and Systems(面向高性能计算的柱矢量光束光互联基础研究及关键器件与系统), Integrated project, NSFC-Guangdong joint project,(自然基金-广东省联合基金集成项目), Jan 2018- Dec 2021
4.Chao Lu, Study of High Performance Distributed Optical Fibre Sensing Systems National Science Foundation China, Jan 2014- Dec 2017, RMB$830,000 Chao Lu, Integrated Optical Communication and Distributed Sensing Systems, RGC General Research Fund, 01 July 2019-July 2022
5.Chao Lu, Spatial and Wavelength Multiplexed Optical Fibre Sensors, RGC General Research Fund, 01 July 2017-31 December 2020
6.Chao Lu, Differential Phase Detected Coherent Phase Optical Time Domain
Reflectometer Systems, RGC General Research Fund, 01 July 2016-31 December 2019
7.Chao Lu, Short Reach Optical Communication Systems, RGC General Research Fund, 01 July 2015-31 December 2018
8.Chao Lu, Coherent Free Space Optical Communication Systems RGC General Research Fund, 01 July 2014-31 December 2017
9.Chao Lu, Optical Fiber Sensor Systems Using Optical Communication and Signal Processing Techniques RGC General Research Fund, 01 July 2013-31 December 2016
10.Chao Lu, Alan Pak Tao Lau, Hwa Yaw Tam, Changyuan Yu, Alexander Ping Kong Wai, Ethernet Optical Detected Coherent System, Huawei Technologies Ltd., Sep 2019 - Sep 2020
1.Faisal Nadeem Qirui Fan, Gai Zhou, Tao Gui, Chao Lu, Alan Pak Tao Lau, Advancing theoretical understandings and practical performance of signal processing for nonlinear optical communications through machine learning, Nature Communications, NCOMMS-19-05749C, 2020.
2.Khan, Qirui Fan, Chao Lu and Alan Pak Tao Lau, “An Optical Communication’s Perspective on Machine Learning and Its Applications,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 493–516, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2019.2897313, January 2019.
3.K Zhong, X Zhou, J Huo, C Yu, C Lu, and A P T Lau. "Digital signal processing for short-reach optical communications: a review of current technologies and future trends." IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp.377-400, 2018.
4.H Y Tam, Z Liu, L Htein, M L V Tse, C Lu, “Microstructured Optical Fibre Sensors”, IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol. Vol. 35, No. 16, pp. 3425-3439, 2017.
5.Z Dong, F N Khan, Q Sui, K Zhong, C Lu, Alan Pak Tao Lau, “Optical Performance Monitoring: A review of current and future technologies”, IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol. Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 525-543, 2016.
6.A.K. Azad, L. Wang, N. Guo, H.Y. Tam and Chao Lu, “Signal Processing using Artificial Neural Network for BOTDA Sensor System,” Optics Express, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 6769–82, March 2016.
7.K Zhong, X Zhou, T Gui, L Tao, Y Gao, W Chen, J Man, L Zeng, Alan P T Lau, and C Lu, "Experimental study of PAM-4, CAP-16, and DMT for 100 Gb/s Short Reach Optical Transmission Systems," Opt. Express, Vol. 23, pp. 1176-1189, 2015
8.A.P.T. Lau, Yuliang Gao, Qi Sui, Dawei Wang, Qunbi Zhuge, M.H. Morsy-Osman, M. Chagnon, Xian Xu, C. Lu and D.V. Plant, “Advanced DSP Techniques Enabling High Spectral Efficiency and Flexible Transmissions: Toward Elastic Optical Networks,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 31, Issue 2, pp. 82–92, March 2014.
9.L Tao, Y Ji, J Liu, A P T Lau, N Chi, and C Lu “Advanced Modulation Formats for Short Reach Optical Communication Systems” IEEE Network, Vol. 27, No.6, pp. 6-13, 2013.
10.Qun Zhang, Yanfu Yang, Changjian Guo, Xian Zhou, Yong Yao, Alan Pak Tao Lau, Chao Lu, “Accurate BER Estimation Scheme Based on K-Means Clustering Assisted Gaussian Approach for Arbitrary Modulation Format”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 38, Issue 8, pp. 2152-2157, December 2019.