(1) Zhou, Guoyi #* ; Wei, Xiaohua# # ; Chen, Xiuzhi # # ; Zhou, Ping; Liu, Xiaodong; Xiao, Yin; Sun, Ge; Scott, David F.; Zhou, Shuyidan; Han, Liusheng; Su, Yongxian; Global pattern for the effect of climate and land cover on water yield, Nature Communications, 2015, 2015(6:5918). (期刊论文)
(2) Chen, Xiuzhi; Wei, Xiaohua; Sun, Ge; Zhou, Ping; Zhou, Guoyi * ; Reply to 'Space-time asymmetry undermines water yield assessment' , Nature Communications, 2016, 7: 0-11604. (期刊论文)
(3) Su, Yongxian # ; Chen, Xiuzhi #* ; Li, Yong; Liao, Jishan; Ye, Yuyao; Zhang, Hongou; Huang, Ningsheng; Kuang, Yaoqiu; China.s 19-year city-level carbon emissions of energy consumptions, driving forces and regionalized mitigation guidelines , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 35: 231-243.
(4) Su, Yongxian; Liu, Liyang; Wu, Jianping; Chen, Xiuzhi * ; Shang, Jiali; Ciais, Philippe; Zhou, Guoyi * ; Lafortezza, Raffaele; Wang, Yingping; Yuan, Wenping; Wang, Yilong; Zhang, Hongou; Huang, Guangqing; Huang, Ningsheng; Quant ifying the biophysical effects of forests on local air temperature using a novel three-layered land surface energy balance model , Environment International, 2019, 132: 0-UNSP 105080. (期刊论文)
(5) Liu, Liyang; Liao, Jishan; Chen, Xiuzhi * ; Zhou, Guoyi; Su, Yongxian * ; Xiang, Zhiying; Wang, Zhe; Liu, Xiaodong; Li, Yiyong; Wu, Jianping; Xiong, Xin; Shao, Huaiyong; The Microwave Temperature Vegetation Drought Index (MTVDI) based on AMSR-E brightness temperatures for long-term drought assessment across China (2003-2010) , Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017, 199: 302-320. (期刊论文)
(6) Su, Yongxian; Liu, Liyang; Liao, Jishan; Wu, Jianoing; Ciais, Philippe; Liao, Jiayuan; He, Xiaolei; Liu, Xiaodong; Chen, Xiuzhi * ; Yuan, Wenping; Zhou, Guoyi; Lafortezza, Raffaele; Phenology acts as a primary control of urban vegetation cooling and warming: A synthetic analysis of global site observations, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 280: 0-107765. (期刊论文)
(7) Chen, Xiuzhi # ; Liu, Xiaodong # ; Zhou, Guoyi * ; Han, Liusheng; Liu, Wei; Liao, Jishan; 50-year evapotranspiration declining and potential causations in subtropical Guangdong province, southern China, Catena, 2015, 128(2015): 185-194. (期刊论文)
(8) Chen, Xiuzhi #* ; Li, Yong # ; Su, Yongxian; Han, Liusheng; Liao, Jishan; Yang, Shenbin; Mapping global surface roughness using AMSR-E passive microwave remote sensing , Geoderma, 2014, 235–236: 308-315. (期刊论文)
(9) Chen, Xiuzhi # ; Chen, Shuisen # ; Zhong, Ruofei * ; Su, Yongxian; Liao, Jishan; Li, Dan; Han, Liusheng; Li, Yong; Li, Xia; A semi-empirical inversion model for assessing surface soil moisture using AMSR-E brightness temperatures , Journal of Hydrology, 2012, 456–457: 1-11. (期刊论文)
(10) Chen, Xiuzhi # ; Su, Yongxian # ; Liao, Jishan; Shang, Jiali; Dong, Taifeng; Wang, Chongyang; Liu, Wei; Zhou, Guoyi * ; Liu, Liyang; Detecting significant decreasing trends of land surface soil moisture in eastern China during the past three decades (1979-2010), Journal of Geophysical Research - D: Atmospheres, 2016, 121(10). (期刊论文)
(11) Chen, Xiuizhi * ; Maignan, Fabienne; Viovy, Nicolas; Bastos, Ana; Goll, Daniel; Wu, Jin; Liu, Liyang; Yue, Chao; Peng, Shushi; Yuan, Wenping; da Conceição, Adriana Castro; O'Sullivan, Michael; Ciais,Philippe; Novel Representation of Leaf Phenology Improves Simulation of Amazonian Evergreen Forest Photosynthesis in a Land Surface Model, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2019, 10.1029/2018MS001565(2020). (期刊论文)
(12) Chen, Xiuzhi; Su, Yongxian; Li, Dan; Huang Guangqing; Chen, Weiqi; Chen, Shuisen * ; Study on the cooling effects of urban parks on surrounding environments using Landsat TM data: a case study in Guangzhou, southern China, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012, 33(18): 5889-5914. (期刊 论文)
(13) Su, Yongxian; Chen, Xiuzhi * ; Su, Hua * ; Liu, Liyang; Liao, Jishan; Digiti zing the thermal and hydrological parameters of land surface in subtropical China using AMSR-E brightness temperatures , International Journal of Digital Earth, 2017, 10(7): 687-700. (期刊论文)
(14) Chen, Xiuzhi * ; Su, Yongxian; Li, Yong * ; Han, Liusheng; Liao, Jishan; Yang, Shenbin; Retrieving China’s surface soil moisture and land surface temperature using AMSR-E brightness temperatures, Remote Sensing Letters, 2014, 5(6): 662-671. (期刊论文)
(15) Su, Yongxian; Chen, Xiuzhi * ; Liao, Jishan; Zhang, Hongou; Wang, Changjian; Ye, Yeyao; Wang, Yang; Modeling the optimal ecological security pattern for guiding the urban constructed land expansions , Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 2016, 19: 35-46. (期刊论文)
(16) Su, Yongxian; Chen, Xiuzhi * ; Wang, Chongyang; Zhang, Hongou; Liao, Jishan; Ye, Yuyao; Wang, Changjian; A new method for extracting built-up urban areas using DMSP-OLS nighttime stable lights: a case study in the Pearl River Delta, southern China , GIScience and Remote Sensing, 2015, 52(2): 218-238.
(17) Chen, X., Liu, X., Liu, Z., Zhou, P., Zhou, G.*, Liao, J., & Liu, L. (2017). Spatial clusters and temporal trends of seasonal surface soil moisture across China in responses to regional climate and land cover changes. Ecohydrology, 10(2), e1800.
(1) 陈修治(1/1); 广东省高层次人才特殊支持计划, 广东省科技厅, 科技创新青年拔 尖人才, 其他, 2017.
(2) 陈修治(3/10); 基于地物波谱的地表信息获取方法与应用, 广东省人民政府, 科 技进步, 省部二等奖, 2014 (陈水森; 方立刚; 陈修治; 李丹; 王春林; 彭智平; 柳钦火; 李东; 吴世良; 韩留生).
(3) 陈修治(7/15); 河口河岸环境遥感与GIS模拟方法研究, 广州市人民政府, 科技进 步, 其他, 2016 (陈水森; 方立刚; 黄文锐; 李东; 吴世良; 李宏丽; 陈修治; 李丹; 刘昕宇; 王娟; 陈玮琦; 张俊香; 刘万侠; 陈俊鸣; 周霞).
(4) 陈修治(1/1); 优秀青年科技工作者, 中国科学院广州分院, 其他, 其他, 2017.
(5) 陈修治(1/1); 广州市珠江科技新星, 广州市科技创新委员会, 其他, 其他, 2016.