1. 近5年内发表的5篇代表性论著
[1] Huang S#, Tao X#, Yuan S#, Zhang Y, Li P, Beilinson HA, Zhang Y, Yu W, Pontarotti P, Escriva H, Le Petillon Y, Liu X, Chen S, Schatz DG, Xu A*. Discovery of an active RAG transposon illuminates the origins of V(D)J recombination. Cell, 2016. 166: 102-114.
[2] Jia X#, Yuan S#, Wang Y#, Fu Y, Ge Y, Ge Y, Lan X, Feng Y, Qiu F, Li P1, Chen S, Xu A*. The role of alternative polyadenylation in the antiviral innate immune response. Nat Commun, 2017 24:14605-14617.
[3] Yuan S#, Zheng T#, Li P, Yang R, Ruan J, Huang S, Wu Z, Xu A*. Characterization of Amphioxus IFN Regulatory Factor Family Reveals an Archaic Signaling Framework for Innate Immune Response. J Immunol. 2015. 195:5657-5666.
[4] Peng J, Tao X, Li R, Hu J, Ruan J, Wang R, Yang M, Yang R, Dong X, Chen S, Xu A. Yuan S*, Novel Toll/IL-1 Receptor Homologous Region Adaptors Act as Negative Regulators in Amphioxus TLR Signaling. J Immunol, 2015. 195: 3110-3118.
[5] Yuan S#, Dong X#, Tao X, Xu L, Ruan J, Peng J, Xu A*. Emergence of the A20/ABIN-mediated inhibition of NF-kappaB signaling via modifying the ubiquitinated proteins in a basal chordate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2014. 111: 6720-6725.
2. 近5年内发表的其余论著
[1] Luo L, Lu J, Wang Q, Chen S, Xu A, Yuan S*. Autophagy participates in innate immune defense in lamprey. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018, 83:416-424.
[2] Yuan S, Tao X, Huang S, Chen S, Xu A*. Comparative immune systems in animals. Annu Rev Anim Biosci. 2014, 2:235-58.
[3] Yuan S, Ruan J, Huang S, Chen S, Xu A*. Amphioxus as a model for investigating evolution of the vertebrate immune system. Dev Comp Immunol. 2015, 48:297-305.
3. 论著之外的研究成果和获得学术奖励
[1] 徐安龙,元少春,黄盛丰,黄光瑞,杨满意,杨平,彭建,陶鑫,陈尚武,董向如,吴逵,王昕,张杰,郑婷婷,脊椎动物天然免疫多样性的起源,广东省科学技术奖,一等奖,2018年度
[2] 徐安龙,黄盛丰,元少春,陈尚武,陶鑫,任政华,抗体重排原始机制研究,中国药学会科学技术奖,一等奖,2017年度
[3] 徐安龙,黄盛丰,元少春,陶鑫,陈尚武,活性RAG 型转座子的发现揭示抗体V(D)J 重组的起源,中国生命科学领域十大进展,2016年度