1. 近5年内发表的5篇代表性论著
[1] Wang, W., Wang, L., and Shao, Z. * (2018) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Degradation Pathways of the Obligate Marine PAH Degrader Cycloclasticus sp. Strain P1. Applied and environmental microbiology 84, e01261-01218
[2] Dong, C., Bai, X., Sheng, H., Jiao, L., Zhou, H., and Shao, Z. * (2015) Distribution of PAHs and the PAH-degrading bacteria in the deep-sea sediments of the high-latitude Arctic Ocean. Biogeosciences 12, 2163-2177
[3] Yuan, J., Lai, Q., Sun, F., Zheng, T., and Shao, Z. * (2015) The diversity of PAH-degrading bacteria in a deep-sea water column above the Southwest Indian Ridge. Front Microbiol 6, 853
[4] Wang, W., and Shao, Z. * (2014) The long-chain alkane metabolism network of Alcanivorax dieselolei. Nat Commun 5, 5755
[5] Wang, W., Cai, B., and Shao, Z. * (2014) Oil degradation and biosurfactant production by the deep sea bacterium Dietzia maris As-13-3. Front Microbiol 5, 711
2. 近5年内发表的其余论著
[1] Li,X., Zeng, X., Qiu,D., Zhang, Z., Chen J.& Shao, Z. (2019): Dissimilatory Iron [Fe(III)] Reduction by a Novel Fermentative, Piezophilic Bacterium Anoxybacter fermentans DY22613T Isolated from East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Sulfides, Geomicrobiol J, DOI: 10.1080/01490451. 2018.1526985
[2] Liu, Y., Zhang, X., Lai, Q., and Shao, Z. * (2018) Reclassification of Mameliella phaeodactyli, Mameliella atlantica, Ponticoccus lacteus and Alkalimicrobium pacificum as later heterotypic synonyms of Mameliella alba and an emended description of Mameliella alba. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 68, 1047-1051
[3] Liu, Y., Lai, Q., and Shao, Z. * (2018) Genome-Based Analysis Reveals the Taxonomy and Diversity of the Family Idiomarinaceae. Front Microbiol 9, 2453
[4] Liu, Y., Du, J., Lai, Q., Zeng, R., Ye, D., Xu, J., and Shao, Z. * (2018) Corrigendum: Proposal of nine novel species of the Bacillus cereus group. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 68, 2706
[5] Liu, X., Lai, Q., Du, Y., Zhang, X., Liu, Z., Sun, F., and Shao, Z. * (2018) Neptunicella marina gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 68, 1423-1428
3. 论著之外的研究成果和获得学术奖励
[1] 国家海洋局海洋创新成果奖:深海与极地中PAHs降解菌及降解基因多样性研究;二等奖;2009。第一完成人
[2] 国家海洋局海洋科学技术奖一等奖。海洋烷烃降解菌与代谢机制研究,2017。第一完成人