1. 近5年内发表的5篇代表性论著
[1] He Z*, Zhang P, Wu LW, Rocha AM, Tu Q, Shi Z, Qin Y, Wang J, Curtis D, Ning D, Wu B, Van Nostrand JD, Wu LY, Yang Y, Elias DA, Watson DB, Adams MWW, Fields MW, Alm EJ, Hazen TC, Adams PD, Arkin AP, and Zhou J*. 2018. Microbial functional gene diversity predicts groundwater contamination and ecosystem functioning. mBio 9: e02435-17 (*corresponding author).
[2] Deng Y, He Z*, Xiong J, Yu H, Xu M, Hobbie SE, Reich PB, Schadt CW, Kent A, Pendall E, Wallenstein M, and Zhou J. 2016. Elevated carbon dioxide accelerates the spatial turnover of soil microbial communities. Global Change Biolology 22: 957–964 (*corresponding author).
[3] He Z*, Xiong J, Kent AD, Deng Y, Xue K, Wang G, Wu Y, Van Nostrand JD, and Zhou J*. 2014. Distinct responses of soil microbial communities to elevated CO2 and O3 in a soybean agroecosystem. The ISME Journal 8: 714-726 (*Corresponding author).
[4] Tu Q, He Z*, and Zhou J*. 2014. Strain/Species identification in metagenomes using genome-specific markers. Nucleic Acids Research 42: e67 (*corresponding author).
[5] Xu M*, Zhang Q, Xia C, Zhong Y, Sun G, Guo J, Yuan T, Zhou J, and He Z*. Elevated nitrate enriches microbial functional genes for potential bioremediation of complexly contaminated sediments. The ISME Journal 8: 1932–1944 (*corresponding author).
2. 论著之外的研究成果和获得学术奖励
[1] 2010年,美国The Journal Record 创新奖
[2] 2009年,美国工业界科技最高奖R&D 100 Award