1. 2005/09–2009/10, 马里兰大学, 大气与海洋科学, 博士, 导师: Raghu Murtugudde
2. 2002/09–2005/07, 中国海洋大学, 海洋学, 硕士, 导师: 田纪伟
3. 1998/09–2002/07, 中国海洋大学, 海洋学, 学士
1. 2017/2-至今, 上海交通大学, 海洋学院, 研究员
2. 2011/12-2017/01, 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所, 卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室, 研究员
3. 2009/10-2011/12, 哥伦比亚大学, 博士后, 合作导师: Adam Sobel
1. 国家海洋局西太“双十字”生态环境监测保护项目, 西太平洋上层海洋环流变异与海气相互作用过程,DY135-E2-3-01,2018/01-2020/12,14万,在研,骨干
2. 国家海洋局西太“双十字”生态环境监测保护项目, 多参数数据库建立,DY135-E2-3-05,2018/01-2020/12,30万,在研,骨干
3. 国家自然科学基金重大项目“ENSO的变异机理和可预测性研究”,41690121,厄尔尼诺多样性的产生机制,2017/01-2021/12,课题直接经费671.5万,在研,骨干
4. 国家自然科学基金创新群体,41621064,海洋动力环境的监测和预测研究,2017/01-2019/12,525万,在研,骨干
5. 国家海洋局全球变化与海气相互作用专项,GASI-IPOVAI-02,热带印度洋海洋过程与海气相互作用,2016/01-2019/12,250万,在研,子课题负责人
7. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,41530961,近135年印度洋偶极子集合预报试验及可预报性研究,2016/01-2020/12,342.8万,在研,骨干
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41376034,印度洋区域季节内尺度海气相互作用的机制,2014/01-2017/12,85万,已结题,主持
9. 国家自然科学基金创新群体,41321004,海洋动力环境的监测和预测研究,2014/01-2016/12,600万,已结题,骨干
10. 海洋二所基本科研业务费专项(团队),JT1302,印度洋中尺度过程的高分辨率模拟与同化研究,2013/01-2015/12,37.5万,已结题,主持
11. 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目“上层海洋对台风的响应和调制机理研究”,2013CB430302,大洋环流对台风的低频响应和调制,2013/01-2017/12,课题经费1971万,已结题,骨干
12. 国际海域资源调查与开发“十二五”课题,DY125-11-E-02,西南印度洋多金属硫化物资源勘探区物理海洋学基线及其变化,2013/01-2015/12,210万,已结题,主持
13. 浙江省151人才工程第一层次,物理海洋学,2013/01 -2014/12,12万,已结题,主持
1. 近5年内发表的5篇代表性论著
[1] Zhou, Lei ; Murtugudde, Raghu; Neale, Richard B.; Jochum, Markus, Simulation of the Central Indian Ocean Mode in CESM: Implications for the Indian Summer Monsoon System , Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2018.1.16, 123(1): 58~72.
[2] Zhou,Lei; Murtugudde, Raghu; Chen, Dake; Tang, Youmin, Seasonal and Interannual Variabilities of the Central Indian Ocean Mode , Journal of Climate, 2017.8, 30(16): 6505~6520 .
[3] Zhou, Lei; Murtugudde, Raghu; Chen, Dake; Tang, Youmin, A Central Indian Ocean Mode and Heavy Precipitation during the Indian Summer Monsoon , Journal of Climate, 2017.3, 30(6): 2055~2067.
[4] Xi, Jingyuan ; Zhou, Lei; Murtugudde, Raghu; Jiang, Lianghong, Impacts of intraseasonal SST anomalies on precipitation during indian summer monsoon, Journal of Climate, 2015, 28(11): 4561~4575.
[5] Zhou, Lei; Murtugudde, Raghu, Impact of Northward-Propagating Intraseasonal Variability on the Onset of Indian Summer Monsoon, Journal of Climate, 2014.1, 27(1): 126~139 .
2. 近5年内发表的其余论著
[1] Li, Baosheng, R. Ding, J. Qin, L. Zhou, S. Hu, J. Li, 2019: Inter-decadal changes in potential predictability of the summer monsoon in East Asia and South Asia. Atmospheric Science Letters, 20, https://doi.org/10.1002/asl.890.
[2] Wang, Lu, L. Zhou, L. Xie, Q. Zheng, Q. Li, M. Li, 2019: Seasonal and interannual variability of water mass sources of Indonesian Throughflow in the Maluku Sea and the Halmahera Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(4), 58-71.
[3] 周磊, 陈大可, 雷小途, 王伟, 王桂华, 韩桂军, 2019: 海洋与台风相互作用研究进展。科学通报, 64, 60-72.
[4] Zhou, L., 2018: Potential spicity: From abstract theory to practical application. Eos, 99, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018EO108945.
[5] Lian, Tao, D. Chen, Y. Tang, X. Liu, J. Feng, and L. Zhou, 2018: Linkage between westerly wind bursts and tropical cyclones. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 11,431–11,438.
[6] Qin, Jianhuang, L. Zhou, R. Ding, J. Li, 2018: Influence of South Pacific Quadrapole on Austral Winter Precipitation over the SPCZ. Environmental Research Letters, 13, 094024.
[7] Yang, Lina, L. Zhou, S. Li, and Z Wei, 2018: Spreading of the South Pacific Tropical Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water over the Maritime Continent. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 4423–4446.
[8] Karnauskas, K. B., and L. Zhou, 2018: Hurricanes and the sea: It takes two to tango, Eos, 99, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018EO097895
[9] Li, M, L. Xie, X. Zong, S. Zhang, L. Zhou, J. Li, 2018: The cruise Observation of Turbulent Mixing in the Upwelling Region East of Hainan Island in Summer 2012. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 37, 1-12.
[10] Pan, L., Y. Zhong, H. Liu, L. Zhou, Z. Zhang, M. Zhou, 2018: Seasonal Variation of Barrier Layer in the Southern Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 2238-2253.
[11] Zhou, L.*, D. Chen, K. B. Karnauskas, C. Wang, X. Lei, W. Wang, G. Wang, G. Han, 2018: Introduction to Special Section on Oceanic Responses and Feedbacks to Tropical Cyclones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 742-745.
[12] Lian, T., Y. Tang, L. Zhou, S. Islam, C. Zhang, X. Li, Z. Ling, 2018: Westerly Wind Bursts Simulated in CAM4 and CCSM4. Climate Dynamics, 50, 1353–1371.
[13] 王露,谢玲玲,周磊,李强,石雨鑫,李明明,2018:印尼贯穿流源区马鲁古海和哈马黑拉海水团来源的气候态分析。海洋学报,40(3),1-15.
[14] 于卫东,方越,刘琳,王永刚,周磊,邱云,杜岩,2017:第二次国际印度洋科学考察计划(IIOE-2)介绍。海洋科学进展,35(1),1-7.
[15] Yao, Z., Y. Tang, D. Chen, L. Zhou, X. Li, T. Lian, and S. Islam, 2016: Assessment of the Simulation of Indian Ocean Dipole in the CESM - Impacts of Atmospheric Physics and Model Resolution. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 8, 1932–1952.
[16] Zhang, M., L. Zhou*, D. Chen, C. Wang, 2016: A Genesis Potential Index for Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones by Using Oceanic Parameters. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, 7176-7191.
[17] Zhang, H., D. Chen, L. Zhou, X. Liu, T. Ding, B. Zhou, 2016: Upper Ocean Response to Typhoon Kalmaegi (2014). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, 6520-6535.
[18] Li, X., Y. Tang, L. Zhou, D. Chen, Z. Yao, and S. Islam, 2016: Assessment of Madden–Julian oscillation simulations with various configurations of CESM. Climate Dynamics, 47, 2667-2690.
[19] 董航、姜良红、章向明、周磊*,2016:威马逊台风入侵南海的路径分析.海洋学研究,34(1), 1-7.
[20] Zhang, M., L. Zhou*, H. Fu, and L. Jiang, 2016: Assessment of Intraseasonal Variabilities in China Ocean Reanalysis (CORA). Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35, 90–101.
[21] Liu, F., L. Zhou, J. Ling, X. Fu, and G. Huang, 2016: Relationship between SST anomalies and the intensity of intraseasonal variability. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 124, 847-854.
[22] Chen, D., T. Lian, C. Fu, M. Cane, Y. Tang, R. Murtugudde, X. Song, Q. Wu, and L. Zhou, 2015: Strong influence of westerly wind bursts on El Nino diversity. Nature Geosci., 8, 339-345.
[23] Wang, S., A. H. Sobel, F. Zhang, Y. Sun, Y. Yue, and L. Zhou, 2015: Regional simulation of the October and November MJO events observed during the CINDY/DYNAMO field campaign at gray zone resolution. J. Clim., 28, 2097–2119.
[24] 席婧嫄, 周磊*, 姜良红,2014:全球大洋季节内尺度上海-气相互作用特征分析. 海洋学研究, 3,1-8.
[25] Yang, Q., J. Tian, W. Zhao, X. Liang, and L. Zhou, 2014: Observations of turbulence on the shelf and slope of northern South China Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 87, 43-52.
[26] Yang, Q. X., L. Zhou, J. W. Tian, and W. Zhao, 2014: The Roles of Kuroshio Intrusion and Mesoscale Eddy in Upper Mixing in the Northern South China Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 30, 192-198.
3. 论著之外的研究成果和获得学术奖励
[1] 2016年,Early Career Researcher Distinguished Lecture,海洋领域,第13届AOGS年会,北京
[2] 2013年,《中国科学:地球科学》2013年度优秀审稿人
[3] 2013年,入选浙江省“151人才工程”,第一层次
[4] 2009年,最佳博士论文奖(Award for the Best Dissertation)马里兰大学大气与海洋科学系
[5] 2009年,美国海洋与大气局,气候与全球变化博士后奖金(UCAR/NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship)
[6] 2008年,最佳期刊论文奖(Publication Award for the Best Peer-Reviewed Paper) 马里兰大学大气与海洋科学系
[7] 2007年,美国航空航天局,地球系统科学奖学金(Earth System Science Fellowship, NASA)