1. 近5年内发表的5篇代表性论著
[1] Qiu Chunhua*, Mao Huabin, Liu Hailong, Xie Qiang, Yu Jiancheng, Su Danyi, Ouyang Juan, Lian Shumin, 2019. Deformation of a warm eddy in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2019, doi: 10.1029/2019JC015288.
[2] Qiu Chunhua#, Mao Huabin*, Wang Yanhui, Yu Jiancheng, Su Danyi, Lian Shumin,2019. An irregularly shaped warm eddy observed by Chinese underwater gliders. Journal of Oceanograpphy(ISSN:0916-8370),75(2),139-148.
[3] Qiu Chunhua#, Mao Huabin*, Yu Jiancheng, Xie Qiang, Wu Jiaxue, Lian Shumin, Liu Qinyan, 2015. Sea surface cooling in the Northern South China Sea observed using Chinese Sea-wing Underwater Glider Measurements. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 105, 111-118.
[4] Qiu Chunhua#, Hiroshi Kawamura, Mao Huabin, Wu Jiaxue*, 2014. Mechanisms of the disappearance of sea surface temperature fronts in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Geophysics Research: Oceans, 19(7), 4389-4398, doi:10.1002/2014JC010142.
[5] Qiu Chunhua#, Su Danyi, Mao Huabin, Wu Jiaxue, Cui Yongsheng, Wang Dongxiao, 2017. Observational evidence for turbulent effects on total suspended matter within the Pearl River plume. Continnental Shelf Research,151,15-22.
2. 近5年内发表的其余论著
[1] Qiu Chunhua#, Huo Dan, Liu Changjian, Cui Yongsheng, Su Danyi, Wu Jiaxue*, Ouyang Juan, 2019. Upper vertical structures and mixed layer depth in the shelf of the northern South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 174,26-34.
[2] Cui Yongsheng#, Wu Jiaxue, Qiu Chunhua, 2018. Enhanced mixing by patchy turbulence in the northern South China Sea. Continnental Shelf Research, 166,34-43.
[3] Qiu Chunhua#, Cui Yongsheng, Ren Jie, Wang Qiang, Huo Dan, Wu Jiaxue*, Liu huan, Mao Huabin, 2016. Characteristics of the surface mixed layer depths in the northern South China Sea in spring. Journal of Oceanography, 2016,72(4),567-576.
[4] Qiu Chunhua#, Chen Jie, Shangguan Maosen, Mao Huabin*, 2015. Seasonal variations of sea level anomaly in the subtropical front zone based on satellite-derived data from 2003-2009. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management (SCI),19(3): 270-275.
[5] Wu Jiaxue*, Ren Jie, Liu Huan, Qiu Chunhua et al., 2015. Trapping and Escaping Processes of Yangtze River-derived Sediments to the East China Sea. In book: River-Dominated Shelf Sediments of East Asian Seas, Chapter: Trapping and Escaping Processes of Yangtze River-derived Sediments to the East China Sea, Publisher: Geological Society of London, Editors: P. D. Clift, J. Harff, J. Wu and Q. Yan,1-45.