1. 近5年内发表的5篇代表性论著
[1] Lai, Zhigang, Ma Ronghua, Huang Mingfen, Chen Changsheng, Chen Yong, Xie Congbin and Robert C. Beardsley, Downwelling wind, tides, and estuarine plume dynamics, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2016, 121(6): 4245~4263.
[2] Zhang, Yu, Chen Changsheng, Robert C. Beardsley, Gao Guoping, Lai Zhigang, B. Curry, C. M. Lee, Lin Huichan, Qi Jianhua and Xu Qicun, Studies of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago water transport and its relationship to basin local forcings: Results from AO-FVCOM, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2016, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JC011634.
[3] Lai, Zhigang, Wu Bin Wu and Zou Qingsong, Finite volume method on hybrid meshes for coastal model, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 2016, 13(2): 310-317.
[4] Lai, Zhigang, Ma Ronghua, Gao Guangyin, Chen Changsheng and Robert C. Beardsley, Impact of multichannel river network on the plume dynamics in the Pearl River estuary, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2015.8, 120(8): 5766~5789.
[5] Lai, Zhigang, Yin Kedong, Physical-biological coupling induced aggregation mechanism for the formation of high biomass red tides in low nutrient waters, Harmful Algae, 2014, 31(1): 66-75.
2. 近5年内发表的其余论著
[1] Chen, Changsheng*, Guoping Gao, Yu Zhang, Robert C. Beardsley, Zhigang Lai, Jianhua Qi, Huichan Lin, Circulation in the Arctic Ocean: Results from a high-resolution coupled ice-sea nested Global-FVCOM and Arctic-FVCOM system, Progress in Oceanography, 2016, 141: 60-80.
[2] Li, Ruixiang*, Changsheng Chen, Huayong Xia, Robert C. Beardsley, Maochong Shi, Zhigang Lai, Huichan Lin, Yanqing Feng, Changjian Liu, Qichun Xu, Yang Ding, Yu Zhang, Observed wintertime tidal and subtidal currents over the continental shelf in the northern South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2014, 119 (8): 5289-5310.
[3] Chen, Changsheng*, Zhigang Lai, Robert C. Beardsley, Jun Sasaki, Jian Lin, Huichan Lin, Rubao Ji, Yunfang Sun, The March 11, 2011 Tahoku M9.0 earthquake-induced tsunami and coastal inundation along the Japanese coast: A model assessment, Progress in Oceanography, 2014, 123: 84-104.