1. Hailang Pan, Peilin Gao, Huicheng Zhou, Ruixue Ma, Jingsong Yang*, Xin Zhang. Roughness analysis of sea surface from visible images by texture. IEEE Access, 2020, 3(17): 46448-46458.
2. Xiaohui Li, Guoqi Han, Jingsong Yang*, Dake Chen, Gang Zheng and Nan Chen. Using Satellite Altimetry to Calibrate the Simulation of Typhoon Seth Storm Surge off Southeast China. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10, 657.
3. Nan Chen, Guoqi Han, Jingsong Yang*. Mean relative sea level rise along the coasts of the China Seas from Mid-20th to 21st Centuries, Continental Shelf Research, 2018, 152:27-34.
4. Jingsong Yang, Yang Du, Jiancheng Shi, Polarimetric simulations of bistatic scattering from perfectly conducting ocean surfaces with 3 m/s wind speed at L-band, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2016, 9(3): 1176-1186.
5. Guangjun Xu, Jingsong Yang*, Changming Dong, Dake Chen, Juan Wang, Statistical study of submesoscale eddies identified from synthetic aperture radar images in the Luzon Strait and adjacent seas, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2015, 36(18): 4621-4631.
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10. 杨劲松(排名6),重点海域航天SAR应用示范工程,中国人民解放军科技进步一等奖, 2003.