1. 1996.9–2000.5,苏格兰格拉斯哥大学,海洋生态毒理学,哲学博士,导师:Robert Furness
2. 1994.1–2006,香港城市大学,环境科学,哲学硕士,导师:胡绍燊
3. 1992.9–1993.7,英国朴茨茅斯大学,应用环境科学,学士
1. 2013.7-至今, 香港大学, 生物科学学院及太古海洋科学研究所, 教授
2. 2009.7-2013.6, 香港大学, 生物科学学院及太古海洋科学研究所, 副教授
3. 2003.9-2009.6, 香港大学, 生态及生物多样性学系(生物科学学院)及太古海洋科学研究所, 助理教授
4. 2002.1-2003.8, 香港大学, 生态及生物多样性学系及太古海洋科学研究所, 研究助理教授
5. 2000.7-2001.12, 英国伦敦皇家霍洛威大学, 生物科学学院,裘槎基金会博士后研究员
1. 香港研究资助局,协作研究基金,SIRMS 2.0:在香港建立亚洲首屈一指的稳定性同位素质谱实验室,2019.06-2022.05,380万港币(香港大学提供相同数额的匹配基金),主持
2. 香港土木工程拓展署,中国台山填海区之生态海岸堤研究,2018/07-2020/05,140万港元,主持
3. 香港土木工程拓展署,香港西贡、龙鼓滩及马料水之生态海岸堤研究及示范,2018/02-2022/08,270万港元, 主持
4. 香港研究资助局,主题研究计划,用于废水处理的强化分离和污泥精炼:解决大城市污染控制和资源回收问题,2016/10-2021/09,3500万港元 [分配170万港元],共主持 (Co-PI)
1. Zhou, G.J.*, Lin, L., Li, X.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Removal of emerging contaminants during chemically enhanced primary sedimentation of sewage and acidogenic fermentation of sludge. Water Research 175: 115646. [IF: 7.913]
2 .Sham, R.C.T., Tao, L.S.R., Mak, Y.K.Y., Yau, J.K.C., Wai, T.C., Ho, K.K.Y., Zhou, G.J., Li, Y.Y., Wang, X.H., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Occurrence and trophic magnification profile of triphenyltin compounds in marine mammals and their corresponding food webs. Environment International 137: 105567. [IF: 7.943]
3. Yeung, K.W.Y., Zhou, G.J.*, Hilscherova, K., Giesy, J.P., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2020). Current understanding on potential ecological risks of retinoic acids in aquatic environments. Environment International 136: 105464. [IF: 7.943]
4. Zhou, G.J.*, Lai, R.W.S., Sham, R.C.T., Lam, C.S., Yeung, K.W.Y., Astudillo, J.C., Ho, K.K.Y., Yung, M.M.N., Yau, J.K.C., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Accidental spill of palm stearin poses relatively short-term ecological risks to a tropical coastal marine ecosystem. Environmental Science and Technology 53: 12269-12277. [IF: 7.149]
5. Zhou, G.J.*, Li, X.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Retinoids and oestrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in saline sewage treatment plants: Removal efficiencies and ecological risks to marine organisms. Environment International 127: 103-113. [IF: 7.913]
6. Morris, R.L., Heery, E.C., Loke, L.H.L., Lau, E.T.C., Strain, E.M., Airoldi, L., Alexanders, K.A., Bishop, M.J., Coleman, R.A., Cordell, J.R., Dong, Y.W., Firth, L.B., Hawkins, S.J., Heath, T., Kokora, M., Lee, S.Y., Miller, J.K., Perkol-Finkel, S., Rella, A., Steinberg, P.D., Takeuchi, I., Thompson, R.C., Todd, P., Toft, J.D., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Design options, implementation issues and evaluating success of ecologically-engineered shorelines. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 57: 169-228. [IF: 6.286]
7. Wang, Z., Ho, K.K.Y., Zhou, G.J., Yeung, K.W.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Effects of silver and zinc on tropical freshwater organisms: Implications on water quality guidelines and ecological risk assessment. Chemosphere 225: 897-905. [IF: 5.108]
8. Zhang, A.Q., Zhou, G.J.*, Lam, M.H.W., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Toxicities of the degraded mixture of Irgarol 1051 to marine organisms. Chemosphere 225: 565-573. [IF: 5.108]
9. Wang, Z.*, Lui, G.C.S., Burton, G.A., Jr., Leung, K.M.Y.* (2019). Thermal extremes driven by climate change can intensify chemical toxicity to freshwater organisms and hence impact their communities. Chemosphere 224: 256-264. [IF: 5.108]
10. Mu, Y.S., Wang, Z., Wu, F.C.*, Zong, B.Q., Yang, M.R., Sun, F.H., Feng, C.L., Jin, X.W., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Giesy, J.P. ( 2018). Model for predicting toxicities of metals and metalloids in coastal marine environments worldwide. Environmental Science and Technology 52: 4199-4206. [IF: 7.149]