2019.08-至今, 中山大学地球科学与工程学院,副教授
2018.11-2019.08,新加坡国立大学,Senior Research Fellow
2016.07-2018.10,新加坡南洋理工大学,Senior Research Fellow
2009.09-2016.06,新加坡南洋理工大学,Research Fellow
南海沿岸多种洪水灾害综合评估系统 (Probabilistic assessment of multiple coastal flooding hazards in the South China Sea under changing climate),法国安盛研究基金,13万欧元,主持,2016-2018;
东南亚地区地震和海啸灾害综合评估系统 (Probabilistic seismic and tsunami hazard assessment for Southeast Asia),新加坡教育部,100万新币,主要参与人,2018-2019;
气候变化下南海和东海沿岸的洪水灾害演变 (The impact of climate changes on coastal flooding hazard in South and East China Seas),新加坡国立大学与清华大学联合项目(黄廷方慈善基金),68万新币,主要参与人,2017-2019;
亚洲巨型城市极端海平面变化和风暴潮灾害研究 (Geological Records of Coastal Hazards in Southeast Asia),新加坡教育部,25万新币,主要参与人,2015-2018;
东南亚沿海地质灾害记录 (Geological Records of Coastal Hazards in Southeast Asia),新加坡国家自然科学基金,327万新币,主要参与人,2010-2015;
海啸波对沿海树木的冲刷机理研究 (Tsunami-induced scour around typical coastal trees),清华大学水利水电工程国家重点实验室,10万,主持,2011-2012;
海啸沉积沙特性与海啸源机制关系研究 (Understanding tsunami sources from surveyed tsunami heights and sediment deposits),新加坡教育部,41万新币,主要参与人,2011-2013;
印度尼西亚苏门达腊的海啸灾害减灾研究 (Tsunami Hazard mitigation for West Sumatra),新加坡教育部,35万新币,主要参与人,2009-2013;
Linlin Li*, Fengyan Shi, Gangfeng Ma, Qiang Qiu, Tsunamigenic potential of Baiyun submarine landslide in the South China Sea (2019). Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 124. doi:10.1029/2019JB018062.
Qiang Qiu, Linlin Li*, Ya-Ju Hsu, Yu Wang, Chung-Han Chan, Adam D. Switzer (2019), Revised earthquake soures along Manila Trench for tsunami hazard assessment in the South China Sea. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19,1565-1583, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-19-1565-2019.
Linlin Li.*, Yang, J.*, Lin, C.-Y., Chua, C. T., Wang, Y., Zhao, K., Wu, Y.-T., Liu, P. L.-F., Switzer, A. D., Mok, K. M., Wang, P., and Peng, D. (2018), Field survey of Typhoon Hato (2017) and a comparison with storm surge modeling in Macau, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18(12), 3167-3178, doi:10.5194/nhess-18-3167-2018 (Highlighted Article).
Linlin Li*, A. D. Switzer*, Y. Wang, C.-H. Chan, Q. Qiu, and R. Weiss (2018), A modest 0.5-m rise in sea level will double the tsunami hazard in Macau, Science Advances, 4(8), doi:10.1126/sciadv.aat1180.
Linlin Li, A. D. Switzer*, C.-H. Chan, Y. Wang, R. Weiss, and Q. Qiu (2016), How heterogeneous coseismic slip affects regional probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment: A case study in the South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2016JB013111-T, doi:10.1002/2016JB013111 (Highlighted in Research Spotlight of EOS).
Linlin Li, A. D. Switzer*, Y. Wang, R. Weiss, Q. Qiu, C.-H. Chan and P. Tapponnier (2015). "What caused the mysterious eighteenth century tsunami that struck the southwest Taiwan coast?" Geophysical Research Letters 42(20): 8498-8506.
Linlin Li, Z. H. Huang*, and Q. Qiu (2014), Numerical simulation of erosion and deposition at the Thailand Khao Lak coast during the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, Natural Hazards, 74: 2251-2277. DOI 10.1007/s11069-014-1301-6.
Linlin Li, Z.H. Huang*. (2013). Modeling the change of beach profile under tsunami waves: a comparison of selected sediment transport models, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami.7 (1), 1-29.
Linlin Li, Z.H. Huang*, Q. Qiu, D.H. Natawidjaja, K. Sieh. (2012). Tsunami-induced coastal change: scenario studies for Painan, West Sumatra, Indonesia, Earth, Planets and Space.64, 799-816.
Linlin Li, Q. Qiu, Z.H. Huang*. (2012). Numerical modeling of the morphological change in Lhok Nga, west Banda Aceh, during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Understanding tsunami deposits using a forward modeling method, Natural Hazards.64 (2), 1549-1574.