1.1991.9-1995.7 湘潭大学环境工程专业,学士
2.1995.9-1998.4 华南理工大学环境化工专业,硕士
3.1998.9-2001.7 华南理工大学环境工程专业,博士
1. 2005.10-至今 华南理工大学环境与能源学院,教授
2. 2017. 4-8 美国拉马尔大学土木与环境工程系,高级访问学者
3. 2015/2014/2013/2012/2011.7-8 美国田纳西大学土木与环境工程系,高级访问学者
4. 2009.9-2010.7 清华大学环境学院,青年骨干教师国内访问学者
5. 2004.8-2005.9 广州奥格智能科技有限公司,部门经理
6. 2001.3-2004.7 广州城市信息研究所有限公司,部门经理
1. 美国环保署中美国际合作项目(EP-D-12-044):“Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment System” (ABaCAS) Development Support,143.37万美元,2015,01-2020.3
2. 国家重点研发计划项目课题(2016YFC0207606):典型城市大气污染防治费用效益综合评估与应用示范,305万元,2016,07-2019.12
3. 国家大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目子课题任务(DQGG0301):区域空气质量调控技术与决策支持平台,210.4万元,2017,04-2019.9
4. 肇庆市生态环境局项目:肇庆市国家环境空气质量监测网城市站优化,795万元,2019,10-2021.6
5. 清远市生态环境局项目:清远市大气污染物排放源清单更新研究,147万元,2019,11-2020.12
6. 佛山市生态环境局顺德分局项目:顺德区大气质量持续分析及改善措施快速决策辅助项目,165.71万元,2019,7-2020.12
7. 国家自然科学基金重点项目课题(41430754):亚热带与温带小流域生态系统汞的生物地球化学循环及同位素分馏,25万元/360万元,2015.01-2019.12
1. Jinying Huang a, Yun Zhu*, James T. Kelly c, Carey Jang c, Shuxiao Wang d, Jia Xing d, Pen-Chi Chiang e,f, Shaojia Fan b, Xuetao Zhao g, Lian Yu. Large-Scale Optimization of Multi-Pollutant Control Strategies in the Pearl River Delta Region of China Using a Genetic Algorithm in Machine Learning. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 722(137701): 1-12 (IF= 5.589)
2. Meifang Yu, Yun Zhu*, Che-Jen Lin, Shuxiao Wang, Jia Xing, Carey Jang, Jizhang Huang, Jinying Huang, Jiangbo Jin, Lian Yu. Effects of Air Pollution Control Measures on Air Quality Improvement in Guangzhou, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 244: 127-137 (IF= 4.865)
3. Hui Xu, Yun Zhu*, Long Wang, Che-Jen Lin, Carey Jang, Qin Zhou, Bin Yu, Shuxiao Wang, Jia Xing, Lian Yu. Source Contribution Analysis of Mercury Deposition Using an Enhanced CALPUFF-Hg in the Central Pearl River Delta, China. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 250: 1032-1043 (IF= 5.714)
4. Jiabin Lia, Yun Zhu∗, James T. Kelly, Carey J. Jang, Shuxiao Wang, Adel Hanna, Jia Xing, Che-Jen Lin, Shicheng Long, Lian Yu. Health benefit assessment of PM2.5 reduction in Pearl River Delta region of China using a model-monitor data fusion approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 233: 489-498. (IF= 4.865)
5. Jiajun Liu, Long Wang∗, Yun Zhu∗, Che-Jen Lin, Carey Jang, Shuxiao Wang, Jia Xing, Bin Yu, Hui Xu, Yuzhou Pan. Source attribution for mercury deposition with an updated atmospheric mercury emission inventory in the Pearl River Delta Region, China, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2019, 13(1): 2-14 (IF = 3.883)
6. Jia Xing, Shuxiao Wang*, Bin Zhao, Wenjing Wu, Dian Ding, Carey Jang, Yun Zhu, Xing Chang, Jiandong Wang, Fenfen Zhang, and Jiming Hao, Quantifying Nonlinear Multiregional Contributions to Ozone and Fine Particles Using an Updated Response Surface Modeling Technique. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017. 51(20): p. 11788-11798 (IF= 6.653)
7. Jia Xing, Dian Ding, Shuxiao Wang*, Bin Zhao, Carey Jang, Wenjing Wu, Fenfen Zhang, Yun Zhu, and Jiming Hao, Quantification of the enhanced effectiveness of NOx control from simultaneous reductions of VOC and NH3 for reducing air pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018. 18(11): p. 7799-7814 (IF= 5.509)
8. Jason D. Sacks*, Jennifer M. Lloyd, Yun Zhu, Jim Anderton, Carey J. Jang, Bryan Hubbell, Neal Fann. The Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program - Community Edition (BenMAP-CE): A tool to estimate the health and economic benefits of reducing air pollution. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2018, 104: 118-129 (IF= 4.177)
9. Bin Zhao, Wenjing Wu, Shuxiao Wang*, Jia Xing, Xing Chang, Kuo-Nan Liou, Jonathan H. Jiang, Yu Gu, Carey Jang, Joshua S. Fu, Yun Zhu, Jiandong Wang, Yan Lin, Jiming Hao. A modeling study of the nonlinear response of fine particles to air pollutant emissions in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2017, 17: 12031–12050 (IF= 5.509)
10. 袁颖枝,朱云*,杨再东,许海城,李加华,Carey Jang,梁俊明,黄国乐,李嘉宾,余美芳. 家具行业挥发性有机物治理成本及排污权交易价格估算. 环境科学学报. 2017, 37(12): 4807-4814
11. Johannes Bieser, Franz Slemr, Jesse Ambrose, Carl Brenninkmeijer, Steve Brooks, Ashu Dastoor, Francesco DeSimone, Ralf Ebinghaus1, Christian N. Gencarelli, Beate Geyer, Lynne E. Gratz, Ian M. Hedgecock, Daniel Jaffe, Paul Kelley, Che-Jen Lin, Lyatt Jaegle, Volker Matthias, Andrei Ryjkov, Noelle E. Selin, Shaojie Song, Oleg Travnikov, AndreasWeigelt, Winston Luke, Xinrong Ren, Andreas Zahn, Xin Yang, Yun Zhu, Nicola Pirrone. Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: vertical and interhemispheric distribution of mercury species. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 17: 6925-6955 (IF= 5.509)
12. Wenwei Yang, Yun Zhu*, Carey Jang, Shicheng Long, Che-Jen Lin, Bin Yu, Zachariah Adelman, Shuxiao Wang, Jia Xing, Long Wang, Jiabin Li. Development and Case Study of a New-Generation Model-VAT for Analyzing the Boundary Conditions Influence on Atmospheric Mercury Simulation. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2018,12(1): 1-10 (IF= 1.961)